The pricing tables below show an average price for 1 double-spaced page (Times New Roman, 12 pt, ~300 words). The total price of your order will depend on the number of pages, spacing, deadline, level of writing, and selected writer. All prices are given in US dollars. We do not turn down orders due in less than 8 hours, so don’t panic!
Deadline / Level | High School | College Freshman | College Sophomore | College Junior | College Senior | Master's | PhD |
8 - 23 hours | $33.35 | $36.70 | $38.35 | $41.00 | $42.50 | $45.00 | $50.00 |
1 - 3 days | $28.60 | $31.50 | $33.25 | $35.00 | $36.50 | $39.00 | $43.00 |
4 - 7 days | $25.00 | $27.50 | $28.90 | $30.20 | $31.70 | $34.80 | $38.00 |
8 - 14 days | $22.25 | $24.45 | $25.90 | $27.00 | $28.50 | $30.20 | $35.00 |
15 days + | $20.00 | $22.00 | $23.00 | $24.00 | $25.50 | $27.95 | $32.00 |
The prices above represent the cost of writing a 1-page, double-spaced academic assignment from scratch. The level of writing should be chosen in accordance with your current level of study (e.g. If you are a freshman in college, select College Freshman for the level of writing). Though we use time frames to display our prices in this table, you will be able to select the exact day and time of delivery when placing an order.
Deadline / Level | High School | College Freshman | College Sophomore | College Junior | College Senior | Master's | PhD |
8 - 23 hours | $16.65 | $18.35 | $19.15 | $20.50 | $21.25 | $22.70 | $25.00 |
1 - 3 days | $14.30 | $15.75 | $16.60 | $17.50 | $28.25 | $20.40 | $21.50 |
4 - 7 days | $12.50 | $13.75 | $14.45 | $15.10 | $15.85 | $18.55 | $19.00 |
8 - 14 days | $11.15 | $12.40 | $13.00 | $13.50 | $14.25 | $15.95 | $17.50 |
15 days + | $10.00 | $11.00 | $11.50 | $12.00 | $12.75 | $14.80 | $16.00 |
The prices above showcase the cost of editing and formatting a 1-page, double-spaced academic or business paper. Editing services include polishing and correcting grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure as well as improving the overall quality of your paper. Proper formatting will ensure your paper strictly follows your guidelines and templates.
Level / Deadline | 8 - 23 hours | 1 - 3 days | 4 - 7 days | 8 - 14 days | 15 days + |
Standard | $41.00 | $35.00 | $30.20 | $27.00 | $24.00 |
Premium | $44.00 | $38.00 | $33.80 | $29.00 | $26.95 |
The price scale above shows the cost of writing a 1-page, double-spaced business assignment from scratch. If you wish the paper to be completed by one of our Top10 business writers, go for the Premium writing level. Choosing the Standard level of writing will ensure your project is nicely done by an average business expert, following all of the submitted instructions.
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